After writing posts this week about loyalty and legacy, it seems appropriate to write one about learning.
This tweet from Eunique Jones Gibson inspired the post:
No matter what.
If you loved it – learn from it.
If you hated it – learn from it.
If it was easy – learn from it.
If it was hard – learn from it.
If you succeeded – learn from it.
If you failed – learn from it.
Never stop learning.— Eunique Jones Gibson (@EuniqueJG) January 25, 2018
No matter what.
That’s powerful stuff.
Always Be Learning
If there’s one thing I’ve always been good at, it is learning. Rather than bingeing on Netflix, I expand my mind by reading a book or a dozen blog posts. Rather than feeling content and grinding away at the same job I’ve done for years, I absorb new knowledge, build new skills, and think about my next job.
I’ll never know enough about or be good enough at my current job. I’ll never be ready enough for my next job. So learning is my job. It’s my mission to learn something new every day.
This mission isn’t limited to my work life, either. I get up at 4:30 am every day and spend two hours learning about myself and how I can improve my health and happiness. At 6:45 am, when I used to start battling the snooze button, I’m reflecting on what I’ve already accomplished to start my day: three handwritten morning pages, my morning journal of gratitude, intentions and affirmations, another published blog post, ten minutes of meditation, and 20-30 minutes on the treadmill.
What’s your mission?
Commit to learning something more or something new every day. The next thing you know, you’ll be writing that book you always wanted to write. Starting that blog you always wanted to start. Getting that job you always dreamed about.
Never. Stop. Learning.
Photo by Green Chameleon |